How to Create the Perfect Tree Topper Bow

How to Create the Perfect Tree Topper Bow

Your tree is up, lights are on and the ornaments have been hung, but there is one thing missing. It needs the perfect finishing touch to complete the look. Tree Topper bows have become quite the popular statement piece and make a great addition to garland or wreaths. But how do you find the perfect one? You make it! 

We asked our Christmas expert Meagan to demonstrate how easy it is to make a Tree Topper bow right in your own home! Watch this quick video tutorial below or read our step-by-step guide!



To get started you will need the following:


Two 10 yard spools of ribbon with wires. We suggest a pattern and a solid

and Crafting Wire


Now that you have gathered all your supplies you’re ready to get started.

To start, you will first want to decide how long you would like the tails of your bow to be. This will differ depending on where the bow will be used. For example, on a taller tree you will want the tails to be longer than if you are making the bow for your garland. When using as a Tree Topper bow, we typically like to have the tails  be around 18 inches.

Start by unraveling 18 inches of ribbon, then fold the ribbon to create the first loop. Depending on how large you would like your bow to be, you can adjust the size of the loops. Typically, our loop size is about 4-5 inches.

Once you have created your first loop you will start cinching everything together in the middle. Next, you will match the loop on the other side and cinch.

You will then need to twist your ribbon. Twisting will allow for the pattern of the ribbon to be facing the top.

You will then want to continue to create four more loops on each side. Be sure you are continuing to hold the loops tight so your bow does not unravel. Also note, it is okay if every loop is not the same size. We will make adjustments to the bow at the end that will hide any imperfections. 

Once the remaining loops have been created, you will unravel another 18 inches of ribbon to create the second tail.

While still holding the center of your bow as tight as possible, take your wire and wrap it around twice and continue to pull everything together while you twist. This is helping to hold all your loops together tightly.

You will repeat the steps mentioned above to create your second bow.

Once you have completed the second bow you will attach them together in the center and twist tie them together. Be sure that your wire is long to allow for multiple twists as well as plenty of extra for attaching to the top of your tree, railing and so on. 

You can fluff and manipulate as needed to achieve your desired look. We feel a nice added touch is curling the tails. This can be achieved by lightly twisting the ribbon and will hold nicely due to the wire in the ribbon. 


 Happy Holidays!


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