The FROG® Leap® pool sanitizing system uses a combination of minerals and a LOW level of chlorine that creates Fresh Mineral Water®. The FROG® Leap® Anti-Bac Mineral Pac® is inserted inside the Infuzer® and dispenses minerals that continually replenish themselves to destroy bacteria all summer long.
- Holds the minerals and fits inside the FROG® Leap® Infuzer®
- Contains EPA approved mineral formula
- This mineral disinfectant helps chlorine last twice as long
- Pre-filled pac so no more touching or measuring out chemicals
- FROG® Leap® Anti-Bac Mineral Pac® must be replaced every six months, or after one pool season (whichever is shorter)
- Also keeps pool water pH-balanced by acting as a neutralizer
- Anti-Bac makes the water feel softer without the problems associated with chlorine like: faded swimsuits, premature damage to pool equipment and smelly odors
- Model #01-12-7822
Our FROG® Leap® Anti-Bac Mineral Pac® can be used with the New FROG® Leap Infuzer® AND the old Pool FROG® Cycler System.
This product is considered a "hazardous material," is air-restricted and cannot be shipped to Alaska or Hawaii.
All Chemical sales are final.
- Reviews
- Questions
- chlorine level
- crystal
- drawbacks
- system
- water
- doubt

Great product and price
Love this system over normal chlorine or salt. Have had it 3 years now. Weird part is that in the hot months we get yellow “deer” flies whose sting hurts and the bite itches like crazy. The itching disappears once we get into the pool and it does not return.

Great product
Without a doubt this system has no drawbacks. My water is crystal clear and my chlorine level is perfect.

Excellent Product
Ive been using this System for years and am very happy with the results I've head. Love it, don't know what I woulddo without it!

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